Author Topic: belt only load-out  (Read 2100 times)


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belt only load-out
« on: September 03, 2012, 12:42:48 PM »
Don't have a good pic yet...

(back story- the WHY I did some modding )

Last Sat ( Sept 1rst) , I finally got to get in some action by participating down in Benton with the ARA on their Triggerday.
During that day... it started off with the tail of what was left over from ISSAC, having light showers and rain here and there. Then the sun came out, and wind dropped almost to nothing... making a hot and very humid day.
I had never been to the AO there, so I relied on my general OP load-out, which I use an over-burdened Plate carrier.

Needless to say, I was absolutely soaked with sweat, and had little to no heat release most the day. Not only that, but the Ao was very wooded, fairly thick. Constantly walking and moving in a low duck-and-crouch position, trying to peer through under brush and limbs, and maneuvering around vines and briars, and low limbs all day.... my lower back was killing me after about 2 hours.

So when I got home , and after some rest... I started thinking on how I could remedy some of that discomfort while the weather is still on the warm side.

( The research:) A good while back... I had followed a post on the old MSE forums, one player in particular showed picks of his load-out which was basically an old ALICE set up, or LB-2 unit. ( belt with suspenders, and pouches. ). Though it isn't modern Molle... or HSLD , he claimed it worked well for his needs.

I used a bit of ALICE gear... mainly the belt and suspenders to house very few essentials: Drop leg side arm , dump pouch.
I got the ALICE gear cheap when first starting out, and though I wanted a more modern molle battle-belt, I have always been to cheap to buy one, lol.

Last year, I experimented by gaining a few more ALICE pouches, and a LBV ( Load bearing Vest) , and was considering using it combined with the belt system for OP: Broken Home. Well, the LBV works nicely... but two things happened that dissuaded me from using it too much:
1- I had to OPT Out of OP:BH due to work related issue ... and
2- The LBV didn't seem any less "hot" than my PC was, not to mention I was having trouble configuring my set up to house my more modern gear. ( Radio placement, tools for my GBBR and AEGs... snack bars. ) When "loaded up" , the LBV unit was heavier and more bulky than my PC, so I opted to tear it off, and only use it in NAM era or period specific events.

I spent a great deal of time, staring at my PC, and my belt system.
Then I recalled an article I had read on those old forums... and did a search for that information.
I discovered the originating Author had "blogged" alot of nice and useful info...

( The result: )

So after staring, and starting to lament the fact, I was "obviously" going to have to shell out cash on a new battle belt, and all new pouches, and accessories... It hit me that I could do what Dirtpro ( Author of the blog above.) did, just... for my own needs and style.
I already had most the pouches needed for ALICE, in fact I have more than what is on my belt right now. I had some Molle pouches, I didn't use still taking up space on my PC I could rob as well.

I really had to break it down to needs/wants, and kinda go a minimalist route in doing this: Bare essential came first of course.
The reason is... ALICE belt or LC-2 system, has the disadvantage of having less real-estate to place pouches and such on.
I really had to put a great deal of thought on what I absolutely needed in normal operation:

My decision was based off a 3-4 hour mission/play time... regardless if it was mere triggerday, or training exercise, or a large OP. Rarely is it that I have to be away from respawn or loading areas more than 2 hours in any given game or OP I've participated in... so basing everything around a 3 hour "skirmish"/Mission roughly was my start.

1rst decision... most the purpose of the belt, was to cart around my primary mags for use. I elected to go with two, 3 mag capacity ( small arms alice pouches) , for a total of 6 carried mags.
I know ... everyone is saying: " thats a small amount of rounds to carry!" , but to be honest, I have RARELY had need to carry more than six mags , even in large high firing OPS. I decided I could supplement rounds depending on the Event or Objective.
if I feel I need em, I do have high caps that I ~could use~ during Triggerdays or Open Objective play/training. That would allow me to carry an ABSURD amount of rounds.
For Mid caps, 500-600 rounds in my mags is probably more than sufficient for a few hours for me personally.
For my GBBR ( real capacity) , I'm already disadvantaged, cause I only have 3 working mags currently anyways.
One of the pouches, I cut off the "grenade" loops a long while back. Tornadoes used at the time, didn't fit in em... and it made the pouch slimmer on the belt. The other pouch, I left the loops... cause, well, I can cart thunder-bs in em just fine, not to mention it'll hold sport-smokes nicely as well. So I can use two grenades of any combo that I partial to using if I desire.

Next, of course a way to stow spent mags and grenade cartridges... I've always used an odd " dump pouch" someone gave to me. Eventually, I'd like to replace it with a Roll up type, but ... I used what I had currently. ( of course, I could have saved space and just placed mags spent, back into the ammo pouches, but that is a tad slow ... especially in the heat of combat or movement, and still no spot for spent thunder-B cores. )

Next, was water... Now, this is always a need. Even on cold days, I get thirsty... and dehydration will ruin your participation! Though, I am accustomed to being in the heat, so I can get by with less water ... I still elected to carry some in the form of a single canteen ( 1 quart size). For larger ops, and more required water needs I have other options to use.
( I can carry more water, in bottled form with the butt-pack option listed below , or I can use my back-pack with integrated hydro carrier for larger OPs, where I need to carry more stuff anyways. )

Then I realized... I didn't have a good way to stow my radio: I wound up stealing a flashbang pouch ( molle) that was un-used on my PC. originally I got the FB pouch, to house my Thunder-bs or smoke grenades. Little did I know at the time, neither would fit. So, I did a bit of work, and cropped some of it with some scissors ( I had to mod the top to allow my antenna and control knobs be accesible, and clip off the elastic side retention straps to allow it to expand to snugly fit the radio. ) A bit of work with a lighter, took care of any fraying cutting on it ... and the result was a nice radio pouch, I could belt mount... and I can run my PTT wires and headset up the suspender line if desired later on.

I Installed my Side-arm drop leg back on it. I feel uncomfortable, going into battle, with-out a CQB grade, close up replica ( I play alot of Mout type scenarios.) , so it was crucial I keep it on the system.
A nice side effect... there was a strap on the side-arm set up, that houses my replica cold-steel K-bar knife. ( rubber training knife), I like to use instead of "safety-kill " if I can get that close. I got the knife long time back... but never had a sheath for it, and was too cheap to buy one, lol.

Then... I ripped off my 4 compartment butt pouch, off my molle PC rig. It was attached to my hydro carrier on the PC, but hardly ever seen real use.
I realized, I might need a bit of sustainment even on small play days... and the ALICE style buttpack I have, is large, floppy, bulky, and the top closer isn't as secure as I care for it to be.
The Molle one I have, has 4 compartments, 1 large, 1 medium, and two small "side" pockets.
In it, I can stow needed tools, first aid, water bottles ( for extra water ) , and snacks/MRE ... not to mention speed-loader and extra BBs if needs be. It's slimmer and lower profile too, which works out alot better.

The end result... was a lightweight ( dropped about 1/2 of weight from my PC load-out) , airy and breathable ( cause heat isn't my friend) , and non-top heavy load out that doesn't hurt my back in varios positions.
Also, it houses everything I need to play, regardless of OP, Event, or play days.

This was a very cheap venture as well... cost me very little. Something that may appeal to new players at some point, it cost way less to get ALICE surplus, and have a decent rig, than buying the good HSLD Molle Rigs out there.
I say decent... Molle has it's advantages, and may be a tad more comfortable.

In the near future... i plan on modding in some padding for the belt ( I am thinking of cutting a sleeping pad like Dirtpro did ) and replacing the alice clips and metal attachment points with para-cord, for more comfort.

I used it yesterday, and I actually can't complain. It's a huge difference in the heat ( I wasn't as sweaty, or bothered by the heat.) , and it is comfy enough right now, I might not need the extra padding and clip removal.

Now I don't recommend this set up for CQB only play... more armor may be preferred there. ( I'd use a half-plate type at least, lol. )
Also, I'm gonna reconfig my PC set ups, for colder weather play... as they retain heat I like, and help keep me warm in colder weather.

But over-all... I like this simple, cheap set up. It may not look modern, or HSLD... but it does work for me.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 12:46:23 PM by Dragon »