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New to Springfield Airsoft LLC / Re: 2024 here or Discord?
« Last post by netshark993 on October 14, 2024, 10:59:42 AM »
Well, I just remembered this was a thing and decided to check in.

Discord has taken over all forums nowadays. I run a couple larger ones, and if you do decide to go that route I can help with setup and moderation.
New to Springfield Airsoft LLC / 2024 here or Discord?
« Last post by Supercell on August 04, 2024, 08:43:41 PM »
Well it has been YEARS since I have even looked on here after it became necessary to just let Facebook take over.  But now FB is starting to punish Airsoft pages.  And threatened to kick us off leaving no communication with Customers.  But now there is a thing called Discord.  But the Trolls are crazy.  But then again so is this world in General.  So I am just checking to see if anyone is even checking back here periodically?  I'm guessing Forum pages are just a thing of the past. But who knows.
The Rock Airsoft / 8Yr Rockaversary Sept 21-22 2024
« Last post by Supercell on July 10, 2024, 09:51:12 PM »
This site just popped up in my mind as I have seen a lot of old Players coming back to the game/hobby.  Some in the military.  Some who have started families with kids.  And we knew them when they were 12 or so years old. 
Working on getting the So Go Airsoft website update with new pics and video.  I just look at it and miss those times.  Players are soooo different than when I started in 1997.  And even different than back 18 years ago when we started So Go Airsoft.  I don't even expect anyone to look or see this for year or more. 
So the last post on The Rock was year 2.  So now yr 8.  Gone through so much.  Even Covid Lock Downs.  And now we have spent over $50000 on shipping containers to build a totally new play area.  It changed the game completely.  With them placed up by the Prison, Down by the Docks, at the base of the hill from bandit camp and 6 placed around the perimeter of the Village.  I am getting old.  Body isn't liking things like it use to.  But we keep pushing because we love the game.  And have invested everything into building what we have at So Go Airsoft (18 years ago) and The Rock Airsoft (8 yrs ago)
The Rock Airsoft / 2 yr Rockaversary Sept 22-23rd
« Last post by Supercell on September 02, 2018, 11:38:37 PM »
Pre register for discounted rate and extra perks and giveaways. Also check out our FB page for all updated info.
The Rock Airsoft
So Go Airsoft
The Rock Airsoft / Desertfox Event this weekend
« Last post by Supercell on June 29, 2018, 11:55:49 PM »
Yes this weekend. Walk ones welcomed. Come out meet Jet and Leah. As well as Josh warren from Milsim West.
The Rock Airsoft
The Rock Airsoft / Dec 3rd and 17th games
« Last post by Supercell on November 27, 2017, 11:00:38 PM »
Last games of 2017 are Dec 3rd and 17th games
The Rock Airsoft / Re: Zombie game at The Rock
« Last post by Supercell on October 12, 2017, 04:43:23 PM »
Ok folks.  This is our 10th year for doing Zombie Events for Halloween.  We have done others throughout the years.  But this is the time we always do one. 
So on Oct. 28th at 5pm.  Come out and experience one of So Go Airsofts Zombie Events. $25
Be sure you bring a pistol and shotgun if you have them.  there will be no ammo limits on these.  AEGs will only have 50 rounds to start and must find  more.  Or come out and reload at the front area.  (You will appreciate this if and when you do become a zombie.
Stay tuned for more info.  Check out our Facebook page.

Then on Sunday the 29th we will be continueing with the Zombie theme with "The Cure"  Same rules for weapons.  Add in some nerf (must be approved since there are some that aren't really nerf)  And add in about 4 Cyborgs that hopefully won't get infected.

Again, keep an eye on our Facebook page of The Rock Airsoft

Jon and Lyn
So Go Airsoft
The Rock Airsoft
So Go Airsoft Only Events and Open play / Zombie Outbreak 2017
« Last post by Supercell on October 12, 2017, 04:42:52 PM »
Ok folks.  This is our 10th year for doing Zombie Events for Halloween.  We have done others throughout the years.  But this is the time we always do one. 
So on Oct. 28th at 5pm.  Come out and experience one of So Go Airsofts Zombie Events. $25
Be sure you bring a pistol and shotgun if you have them.  there will be no ammo limits on these.  AEGs will only have 50 rounds to start and must find  more.  Or come out and reload at the front area.  (You will appreciate this if and when you do become a zombie.
Stay tuned for more info.  Check out our Facebook page.

Then on Sunday the 29th we will be continueing with the Zombie theme with "The Cure"  Same rules for weapons.  Add in some nerf (must be approved since there are some that aren't really nerf)  And add in about 4 Cyborgs that hopefully won't get infected.

Again, keep an eye on our Facebook page of The Rock Airsoft

Jon and Lyn
So Go Airsoft
The Rock Airsoft
The Rock Airsoft / Zombie game at The Rock
« Last post by Supercell on October 07, 2017, 12:30:19 AM »
Thinking about doing a zombie type game at The Rock. On the Sunday the 29th. Maybe start around noon or 1. To make it go a little later so it will just start getting dark.  Putting together graphics, props and role players. Should announce soon.
The Rock
The Rock Airsoft / Sunday July 23rd game
« Last post by Supercell on July 19, 2017, 09:55:59 PM »
Checkin starts at 9:15. We go until 4. Or until everyone is done. Whichever comes first.
Lyn's doing pulled pork I believe. Included in the $20 price. Bring plenty of water. It's hot.
The Rock Airsoft
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