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New to Springfield Airsoft LLC / Re: Introductions
« Last post by Reverandff7 on July 14, 2017, 02:16:13 PM »
Welcome aboard for sure. I do not get on here as much as I use to by far... which i really need to.
The Rock Airsoft / Re: July 8th late afternoon game
« Last post by Supercell on July 08, 2017, 09:14:55 AM »
Today is the day. Let's do this thing.
New to Springfield Airsoft LLC / Re: Introductions
« Last post by Sinister on July 06, 2017, 12:00:09 AM »
Hey guys, I know I am a little late to the party, but my name is Garrett. I have been playing airsoft for almost 9 years now, I have come a long way since then. I am unfortunately one of those "youtube airsofters" I have recently made a channel. I dont want to bore you with promoting my channel, (no one wants to hear that lol) anyway I play all around the area. I have played at So Go a few times and all the way up at Bing a bunch more. I hope this site is still live and well and i plan to post more about the new field in West Plains, MO. Thank you.
The Rock Airsoft / Re: July 8th late afternoon game
« Last post by Supercell on July 03, 2017, 10:02:53 AM »
This game is still a go. Hope to see you there.
The Rock
General Airsoft / New Airsoft Field Open In West Plains
« Last post by Sinister on July 01, 2017, 01:38:34 AM »
Hi for all who are still in the surrounding areas, there is a new field in West Plains , MO called "Ham Field". Play days are friday and saturday from 12-5. Admission is $20 for the day. Fps limit is 400 with a .20
Check out their Facebook page.
The Rock Airsoft / July 8th late afternoon game
« Last post by Supercell on June 17, 2017, 09:26:11 AM »
We are doing a late game on July 8th. 3:30-9pm. This is also a Saturday.
Checkout more info on our Facebook page. Adding more info today Sat June 17th.

Jon and Lyn
The Rock Airsoft
So Go Airsoft
Supercell Dev inc
The Rock Airsoft / Re: G&G Day at The Rock with Airsoftology
« Last post by Supercell on May 09, 2017, 12:05:24 AM »
G&G Event Pre-register at

G&G Event weekend Schedule May 12,13 and 14th

Camping on Friday night 5pm for those who want to.

8:30am Saturday checkin and Chrono
9:45am. Safety Briefing  DON'T BE LATE PLEASE
Head to field right after briefing
    Lunch called around 12:00 (There will be food onsite for purchase)
Game back on 1pm
Endex 4:30pm
Raffle 5pm

9:30am checkin and Chrono  (for those who didn't play Sat.)
10am Briefing  (Game will follow immediately)
Noon Lunch break
1pm game on
Endex around 3pm.

G&G Armament is bringing a lot of items to give out.

AIRSOFTOLOGY will be playing along side you guys.  Jonathan is a super nice guy who loves to talk to players.  This man knows his stuff.

Woodland Warriors is supplying Air for HPA so check them out.

The Airsoft Outlaws will be running our Frago missions throughout the day.  Check their link (  for getting you or your team on the Roster for some special side missions. (Thanks to these guys stepping up and helping out!!!)

Mid American Milsim will also be giving out some Golden Tickets to their event coming up.  Along with a pistol I believe.

So Go Airsoft will have items to sell like Enola gaye products, bb's, gas, Co2, Eye Protection, and many other items.  If there is anything you need us to bring just shoot us a PM.

We will be doing a a few different objective/mission typed games throughout the day.

Any questions shoot me a PM if you want.  We'll try and get to them as fast as we can.

Be sure you have sealed Eye Protection and you read over the rules at The Rock Airsoft website.
We will be adding new information and some new Aerial photos we had taken of the field.  Along with Grided Maps for you to print out.
The Rock Airsoft / Re: Regular games at The Rock
« Last post by Supercell on April 15, 2017, 12:19:30 AM »
Sunday April 23rd will be our next game at the Rock. It will be the only game before our G&G Event in May.
Checkin at 9am with briefing at 10am. $25

The Rock Airsoft
The Rock Airsoft / Re: Regular games at The Rock
« Last post by Supercell on April 04, 2017, 10:57:54 PM »
Yes sir joe joe.
I have to eat too.
The Rock
The Rock Airsoft / Re: Regular games at The Rock
« Last post by Joe on April 04, 2017, 04:44:15 PM »

Will you folks be offering meals for an additional $ 5.00?


Fat Guys Want to Know
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