Ok folks. This is our 10th year for doing Zombie Events for Halloween. We have done others throughout the years. But this is the time we always do one.
So on Oct. 28th at 5pm. Come out and experience one of So Go Airsofts Zombie Events. $25
Be sure you bring a pistol and shotgun if you have them. there will be no ammo limits on these. AEGs will only have 50 rounds to start and must find more. Or come out and reload at the front area. (You will appreciate this if and when you do become a zombie.
Stay tuned for more info. Check out our Facebook page.
Then on Sunday the 29th we will be continueing with the Zombie theme with "The Cure" Same rules for weapons. Add in some nerf (must be approved since there are some that aren't really nerf) And add in about 4 Cyborgs that hopefully won't get infected.
Again, keep an eye on our Facebook page of The Rock Airsoft
Jon and Lyn
So Go Airsoft
The Rock Airsoft