Author Topic: 8Yr Rockaversary Sept 21-22 2024  (Read 2552 times)


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8Yr Rockaversary Sept 21-22 2024
« on: July 10, 2024, 09:51:12 PM »
This site just popped up in my mind as I have seen a lot of old Players coming back to the game/hobby.  Some in the military.  Some who have started families with kids.  And we knew them when they were 12 or so years old. 
Working on getting the So Go Airsoft website update with new pics and video.  I just look at it and miss those times.  Players are soooo different than when I started in 1997.  And even different than back 18 years ago when we started So Go Airsoft.  I don't even expect anyone to look or see this for year or more. 
So the last post on The Rock was year 2.  So now yr 8.  Gone through so much.  Even Covid Lock Downs.  And now we have spent over $50000 on shipping containers to build a totally new play area.  It changed the game completely.  With them placed up by the Prison, Down by the Docks, at the base of the hill from bandit camp and 6 placed around the perimeter of the Village.  I am getting old.  Body isn't liking things like it use to.  But we keep pushing because we love the game.  And have invested everything into building what we have at So Go Airsoft (18 years ago) and The Rock Airsoft (8 yrs ago)